Flagstaff Felony Lawyer

Flagstaff Felony Lawyer

Flagstaff Felony Attorney

No one wants a felony on their criminal record. The consequences of being labeled a felon are far and long-reaching. In Arizona, a felony is a serious crime that often involves violence. Felonies are more serious than misdemeanor offenses. The potential punishment for a felony conviction depends on the severity of the crime but can result in long-term imprisonment. Fines and other penalties can be levied against you on top of prison time. If you were charged with a felony, you can hire a Flagstaff felony lawyer to defend your rights.

The Kaiser Law Group has helped many clients facing serious charges receive lower penalties than they were initially facing. Even reducing a felony down to a misdemeanor will greatly improve your quality of life after you complete your criminal penalties.

Best Flagstaff Felony Lawyer

What Crimes Are Classified as Felonies in Flagstaff?

Felonies are reserved for the most serious types of crime. Felony crimes include murder, manslaughter, felony assault, and rape. Many crimes that involve children, like child abuse and abduction, are considered felonies in Arizona. Certain acts, even when they do not result in physical harm to others, are also considered felonies. Examples of these include arson and carjacking. Drug trafficking, robbery, and burglary are potential felonies as well.

While misdemeanors may lead to a few days in jail or no jail time for first-time offenders, a felony conviction can lead to long-term incarceration in prison. Serious crimes like murder can lead to a life sentence in prison. Arizona’s penal code classifies felonies into six categories. The most severe penalties are classified as Class 1 while the least severe fall under Class 6.

Class 1 felonies carry the possibility of life in prison or, in extreme cases, the death penalty. Anyone convicted of first-degree murder, armed robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, or another serious crime can face these charges that come with a minimum sentence of 10 years.

Class 2 felonies are also considered to be very serious. Manslaughter, sexual assault, and certain drug possession charges fall under this classification. A conviction will carry mandatory minimum sentences and potential long-term prison sentences.

Class 3, 4, 5, and 6 felonies have lower penalties that can still be serious. Crimes that result in a Class 3-6 felony include aggravated robbery, aggravated DUI, kidnapping, third-degree burglary, assault of a police officer, and rioting. The less severe the felony classification, the lower the fine and punishment, generally speaking.

Prison time isn’t the only punishment for people convicted of a felony. The courts may mandate probation once you are released, community service, and even restitution payments to crime victims. By working with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Flagstaff, you may be able to have your charges reduced to a lower offense that comes with the possibility of less severe penalties.

Aggravating Factors

The judge in a felony case may consider aggravating factors when sentencing. Examples of aggravating factors include the use of dangerous weapons. Owning a gun is a protected right for qualifying adults in Arizona, but anyone who uses a gun to commit a crime faces serious penalties. This can elevate a crime to what is known as a violent crime.

For example, getting in a fistfight may be considered assault if you were not defending yourself, but brandishing a firearm during the altercation could lead to a more serious charge of aggravated assault.

The value of any property that was stolen or damaged could elevate a crime to a felony or lead to harsher sentencing. Showing cruelty or disregard for another person’s life could also become an aggravating factor.

Causing serious bodily harm to another person is an aggravating factor. When victims are disfigured, burned, or maimed, the courts often seek severe criminal penalties. Hate crimes, prior convictions, premeditation, and injury to a child are also common aggravating factors that could lead to harsh penalties.

Mitigating Factors

Conversely, certain factors can mitigate the severity of your charges and punishment. The job of your defense attorney is to take time to research any factors that paint you in a positive light. Sometimes, good people make horrible and regrettable mistakes, but these mistakes shouldn’t ruin their lives.

While the prosecution may try to portray you in a bad light, your defense attorney will work to demonstrate that the acts that you are charged with are out of character for you. If you are not a habitual offender, you can ask for leniency from the court.

Other mitigating factors could include the defendant’s age if they are young. Juveniles are often seen as not being fully able to comprehend the consequences of their actions. The defendant’s mental condition is another factor if they are intellectually handicapped. In those cases, mental health treatments may be more suitable than a harsh punishment.

Other mitigating factors could include a lack of a criminal record, self-defense arguments, or proof that the criminal acts were done to protect others. These factors do not automatically exonerate a defendant, but they can make the offense appear less malicious.

FAQs for Flagstaff Criminal Defense Attorneys

Q: How Much Do Lawyers Charge for Defending Felonies in Arizona?

A: Lawyers generally charge more to defend felonies. Felony crimes are often more complicated than misdemeanors, and there is more at stake for defendants. Another important factor is the number of hours that your attorney will have to put into investigating your case and building your defense strategy. Most lawyers charge by the hour, and felony cases can easily take several months or even years to resolve. If your case goes to trial, you will be required to pay for your attorney’s extra time.

Q: Can a Felon Become a Lawyer in Arizona?

A: Yes, a felon can become a lawyer in Arizona. There are no laws barring felons from attending law school and taking the Bar. Most states allow felons to practice law, and Arizona is no exception. However, the process may be complicated because the felon will have to show and demonstrate that they have reformed and outgrown their criminal history. Having a felony record could be a barrier when it comes to building a reputation.

Q: How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in AZ?

A: The cost of defending someone facing felony charges is based on the number of hours worked and the resources used to research the situation and defend the client. Hourly rates are generally impacted by the attorney’s years of experience and success in helping clients receive favorable outcomes for their cases.

Q: How Are Crimes Classified in Arizona?

A: Crimes are classified as misdemeanors or felonies in Arizona. Felonies are reserved for serious crimes that often involve acts of violence. In Arizona, felonies are broken into six categories, Class 1 and Class 2 being the most serious. A Class 1 felony conviction comes with the possibility of life in prison or even the death penalty.

Schedule Your Flagstaff Felony Attorney Consultation Today

Being charged with a felony can be a stressful experience. Let the Kaiser Law Group protect your rights throughout the process. Everyone charged with a crime is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty, and prosecutors have a very high bar to meet when proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. With the right legal representation, your charges may be lowered or even dropped altogether. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.
